4 Special Needs

Advice for those within the Special Needs Community

Let It Go

(Disclaimer: I apologize for getting this song stuck in your head…again.)

We’ve all heard the hit song and most of us will admit we like it, or once did. The song is “Let It Go”. This song is so popular with young women that I’ve read one mother refer to it as her daughter’s addiction. When I was watching my own daughter and one of her best friends singing a karaoke version of the song, I thought about the sense of empowerment that the lyrics relay. As they grow, I hope they both learn to be themselves and to not feel trapped by other people’s expectations.

It also made me think that many times it’s not other people’s expectations but our financial circumstances, regardless of how successful we are, that can make us feel trapped. Even those that achieve great success in a particular professional role might feel trapped if they aren’t in a secure enough financial position to change course as their goals evolve throughout life.

What Bill and I do every day is help our clients do what we did, just “let it go”. We both, as a result of years of sound financial decisions, were able to transition from very successful corporate careers in the financial services industry to pursue our dream of being business owners and helping families and other business owners achieve financial independence. That is, having the financial freedom to pursue that dream occupation or transition to retirement.

If you haven’t done so already, I challenge you to take a stand and put your own personal financial strategy in place, so that one-day you too can just “let it go”.
Let it go